- Manuel Abramovic
- filmmaker, educator
- Berlin - Buenos Aires
04-07.2025 / BLUE BOY at Forum des Images. Paris, France
01.12.2024 / LIGHT YEARS at Centre Pompidou Paris, France.
05.11.2024 / BLUE BOY at Kurzfilmtage. Switzerland.
20.4.2024 - THE QUEEN / Syncro Film Fest. Buenos Aires, Argentina.
20.4.2024 - PORNOMELANCOLIA / Cinema da Fundação. Recife, Brazil.
13.4.2024 - PORNOMELANCOLIA / Kino Xenix Bar. Zürich.
1.3.2024 - LIGHT YEARS on MUBI. Worldwide.
1.3.2024 - PORNOMELANCOLIA released in the UK. United Kingdom.
1.3.2024 - SOLDIER on MUBI Latinoamerica.
5.12.2023 - PORNOMELANCOLIA at FAQ. Buenos Aires.
24.11.2023 - PORNOMELANCOLIA Opening Film at Berlin Porn Film Festival. Berlin.
24.11.2023 - PORNOMELANCOLIA at Kino im Künstlerhaus. Hannover.
18.11.2013 - PORNOMELANCOLIA at Mirage Film Festival. Oslo.
28.10.2023 - PORNOMELANCOLIA at Out on Film. Atlanta, US.
23.10.2023 - PORNOMELANCOLIA at Queer Lisboa. Lisboa.
18.10.2023 - PORNOMELANCOLIA - UK Premiere at Fringe!. London.
21.10.2023 - PORNOMELANCOLIA at the New York Latino Film Festival. New York.
15-21.10.2023 - PORNOMELANCOLIA at Helsinki Film Festival. Helsinki.
5-7.10.2023 - PORNOMELANCOLIA at Outfilm Festiwal. Poznan, Poland.
4.10.2023 - PORNOMELANCOLIA at FICPBA. Buenos Aires.
- 1-5.10.2023 - PORNOMELANCOLIA at Karlovy Vary Film Festival. Czech Republic.
24.09.2023 - PORNOMELANCOLIA at Filmfest München, Munich.
21.6.2023 - PORNOMELANCOLIA Theatrical Release in France.
19.6.2023 - PORNOMELANCOLIA at Frameline47. San Francisco, USA.
9.6.2023 - PORNOMELANCOLÍA at Festival FIRE!! Barcelona.
1.5.2023 / Guest Lecturer - MA Interzona EICTV - Cuba.
14.5.2013- PORNOMELANCOLIA at Docaviv. Telaviv, Israel.
13-20.5.2023 - PORNOMELANCOLIA at Docs Against Gravity. Warsaw, Poland.
26.4.2023 - PORNOMELANCOLIA at Festival Centro Niemeyer, Asturias, Spain.
24-28.4.2023 / Opening Scenes Lab's Mentor - Visions du Réel, Nyon, Switzerland.
28.4.2023 - PORNOMELANCOLIA at Outshine Film Festival, Miami, United States.
31.3.2023 - PORNOMELANCOLIA at Cinelatino Rencontre de Toulouse, France.
4, 8.2.2023 - PORNOMELANCOLIA at Festival Écrans Mixtes, Lyon, France.
02.2023 - CROMA - Shooting in Buenos Aires
20.01.2023 / PORNOMELANCOLIA at Black Movie Film Festival. Geneva, Switzerland.
18.01.2023 / PORNOMELANCOLIA at Turnai Ramdam Festival. Tournai, Belgium.
15.12.2022 / PORNOMELANCOLIA Theatrical Release in Argentina.
3.12.2022 PORNOMELANCOLIA at This Human World. Vienna. Austria.
9-20.11.2022 / JURY - International Short Competition @ IDFA. Amsterdan, Netherlands.
24.11.2022 / PORNOMELANCOLIA at Festival Chéries-Chéris. Paris, France.
9.11.2022 / PORNOMELANCOLIA at Festival MixBrasil. Sao Paulo, Brazil.
9.11.2022 / PORNOMELANCOLIA at Taipei Golden Horse Film Festival. Taipei, Taiwan.
6.11.2022 / PORNOMELANCOLIA at LesGaiCineMad, Madrid, Spain.
9.11.2022 / PORNOMELANCOLIA at Thessaloniki Film Festival. Thessaloniki, Greece.
11-18.11.2022 / PORNOMELANCOLIA at IDFA International Documentary Festival Amsterdam.
30.10.2022 / PORNOMELANCOLIA @ Festival Asterisco - MALBA. Buenos Aires, Argentina.
8-26.10.2022 / PORNOMELANCOLIA at Festival do Rio. Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.
14.10.2022 / PORNOMELANCOLIA at Bordeaux Film Festival. Bordeaux, France.
6-13.10.2022 PORNOMELANCOLIA at Bogota International Film Festival. Bogotá, Colombia.
6.10.2022 / PORNOMELANCOLÍA at Reykjavík International Film Festival. Reykjavík, Island.
23-25.09.2022 / PORNOMELANCOLIA Zurich Film Festival. Zurich. Switzerland.
20.9.2022 / PORNOMELANCOLIA World Premiere - Festival de San Sebastián.. San Sebastián, Spain.
01.09.2022 CROMA at Venice Financing Gap. Venice, Italy.
1.07.2022 BLUE BOY at DAAD Galerie - "Uncommon Grounds". Berlin, Germany.
1-30.06.2022 / BLUE BOY at Werkleitz Videorama. Halle, Germany.
11.04.2022 / CROMA wins HEAD Genève award at Pitching du Réel. Switzerland.
23.02.2022 / LIGHT YEARS at Cinéma Public. Montreal, Canada.
26.01.2022 / BLUE BOY at Kultur Forum Dresden. Germany.
1.11.2021 / PORNOMELANCOLIA (WIP) en Guadalajara Construye, Festival de Guadalajara. Mexico.
19-22.09.2021 / PORNOMELANCOLIA (WIP) en WIP Latam, Festival de San Sebastián. Spain.
18-25.08.2021 / SOLDIER @ Long Shots Festival - BBC Online.
17.08.2021 - BLUE BOY @ AR, Festival de Cinema Argentino en Lisboa, Portugal.
10.08.2021 BLUE BOY @ Online en el CCC. Santiago, Chile.
24.07.2021 / MASTER CLASS "Staging Intimacy". Doc Montevideo.
01.06.2021 - DIP: Documental, Intimidad y Puesta en Escena / Muestra Online
25.05.2021 / BLUE BOY at Sol de Maio - Porto, Portugal.
6-12.05.2021 / BLUE BOY at THIS IS SHORT. Worldwide, online.
5-15.04.2021 / TEACHING "La intimidad puesta en escena". EICVT. San Antonio de los Baños, Cuba.
03.03.2021 - PORNOMELANCOLIA / Work in Progress @ Catapulta, FICUNAM, Mexico.
01.01.2021 - PORNOMELANCOLÍA > Shooting in Mexico
17.12.2020 - BLUE BOY en FAQ Brandon, Buenos Aires.
5-8-12.2020 - BLUE BOY en CinemaJove. Valencia, Spain.
18.11.2020 / JURY 'Creative Use of Archive' IDFA, Amsterdam.
15.10.2020 / BLUE BOY --> Release on MUBI / Worlwide
9-31.10.2020 - JURY en FestiFreak, Argentina.
19.09.2020 / BLUE BOY at La Fête du Slip. Genève, Switzerland.
2-8.09.2020 / BLUE BOY at Frontera Sur / Chile. Available Online for Latin America.
11.07.2020 / BLUE BOY at Deutsche Kurzfilmpreistournee – Medienhaus: Open-Air-Kino Hannover.
18.06.2020 / PORNOMELANCOLÍA receives the support of IDFA BERTHA FUND.
23-.06.2020 - BLUE BOY at Deutsche Kurzfilmpreistournee 2020, Münster, Germany.
17-30.06.2020 / JURY _ International Medium & Short Competition @ Visions du Réel. Nyon, Switzerland.
12-16.04.2020 / BLUE BOY at Internationale Kurzfilmwoche Regensburg, Germany.
20-25.03.2020 / BLUE BOY at La Fête du court métrage. Paris, France.
10-16.02.2020 / BLUE BOY at Riga International Short Film Festival, Latvia.
1-8.02.2020 / BLUE BOY at Clermont-Ferrand International Film Festival. France.
16-19.01.2020 / BLUE BOY at Vilnius International Short Film Festival. Lithuania.
20-26.01.2020 / BLUE BOY at the 41. Filmfestival Max Ophüls Preis. Saarbrücken, Germany.
27.01.2020 / BLUE BOY at BlackMovie. Geneve, Switzerland.
21.12.2019 / THE LIGHTS / Web release on Nowness.
27.12.2019 / BLUE BOY at Merlinka. Serbia.
3-10.12.2019 BLUE BOY at Bogotá Short Film Festival, Colombia.
1-8.12.2019 / BLUE BOY at Verín International Short Film Festival, Spain.
25-26.11.2019 / COWBOY LOVE selected at the IDFA Forum. Amsterdam, Nederlands.
20.11.2019 / BLUE BOY won the Deutscher Kurzfilmpreis - Best Documentary 2019 !
23-30.11.2019 / BLUE BOY at FESAALP, La Plata. Argentina.
6-21.11.2019 / BLUE BOY at Leeds International Film Festival, UK.
17.11.2019 / BLUE BOY at L'Alternativa. Spain.
15.11.2019 / BLUE BOY at Andalesgai. Seville, Spain.
16.11.2019 / BLUE BOY at KFFK/Kurzfilmfestival Köln. Germany.
13-17.11.2019 / BLUE BOY at AntofaCine. Chile.
14-17.11.2019 / BLUE BOY at Nahia Film Festival. Spain.
14-15.11.2019 / PORNOMELANCOLIA selected at Gabriel Figueroa Film Fund, Los Cabos, Mexico.
11.11.2019 / BLUE BOY at Bucharest International Experimental Film Festival BIEFF. Romania.
6-9.11.2019 / LA REINA en VII Festival de Cortometrajes Diputación de Jaén. Spain
6-9.11.2019 / BLUE BOY en Festival de Cine Independiente de Cipolletti. Argentina
2-5.11.2019 / BLUE BOY at Internationalen Kurzfilmtage Winterthur. Switzerland.
1-6.11.2019 / BLUE BOY at Curtacinema Rio de Janeiro. Brazil.
3.11.2019 / LIGHT YEARS and BLUE BOY at Invasión - Festival de Cine Argentino. Berlin.
1.11.2019 / BLUE BOY at VIENNALE. Austria.
18, 20, 24.10.2019 / BLUE BOY en Festival Cuorum Morelia. Mexico.
19.10.2019 / BLUE BOY at dokumentART. Neubrandenburg, Germany.
17.10.2019 / BLUE BOY at OFF Cinema, Poland.
15.10.2019 / BLUE BOY at Kaohsiung Film Festival, Taiwan.
14.10.2019 / BLUE BOY at Astra Film Festival. Romania.
7.10.2019 / BLUE BOY at PerSo Film Festival, Italy.
5 / BLUE BOY at Orvietto Cinema Fest, Italy.
25.09.2019 / BLUE BOY at Reykjavik International Film Festival. Island.
21.09.2019 / BLUE BOY en el Festival de San Sebastián, Spain.
26.09.2019 / BLUE BOY at FAM Florianopolis. Brazil.
13.09.2019 / BLUE BOY en Festival de Cine Latinoamericano Rosario. Argentina.
6.09.2019 / BLUE BOY at Curtas Belo Horizonte. Brazil.
6.09.2019 / BLUE BOY en Festifreak La Plata. Argentina.
26-30.08.2019 / BLUE BOY at Odense Film Festival. Denmark.
23.08.2019 / BLUE BOY at Lviv International Short Film Festival Wiz-Art. Ukraine.
19-21.08.2019 / BLUE BOY en Festival de Monterrey. Mexico.
17.08.2019 / BLUE BOY en BAFICI Rosario. Argentina.
9.08.2019 / SOLDIER + BLUE BOY en la Casa del Bicentenario, Argentina.
4.08.2019 / LIGHT YEARS en la Casa del Bicentenario, Argentina.
23.07.2019 / BLUE BOY at Guanajuato International Film Festival. Mexico.
13.06.2019 / Common Ground: Intimacies. Arin Rungang + Manuel Abramovich at DAAD Galery. Berlin.
5.06.2019 / Manuel Abramovich zu Gast im Kino Arsenal. Berlin, Germany.
29.06.2019 / BLUE BOY at Espacio Queer. La Plata, Argentina.
28.06.2019 / BLUE BOY at ALMS Conference, Haus der Kulturen der Welt. Berlin, Germany.
23.06.2019 / BLUE BOY at Mix Milano. Milano, Italy.
12.06.2019 / BLUE BOY at The Norwegian Short Film Festival. Norway.
19.06.2019 / BLUE BOY at Doc Edge. Auckland, New Zealand.
5-8.06.2019 / BLUE BOY at TIFF. Transilvania, Romania.
7.06.2019 / BLUE BOY at Freiluftkino Friedrichshain. Berlin, Germany.
15-25.05.2019 / TEACHING at Maestría de Cine Alternativo / EICVT. San Antonio de los Baños, Cuba.
26.05.2019 / BLUE BOY at Seattle Film Festival. USA.
12.05.2019 / BLUE BOY at Xposed Film Festival. Berlin, Gemany.
10-16.05.2019 / BLUE BOY at EDOC. Quito, Ecuador.
1-6.05.2019 / Oberhausen Seminar, Germany.
1-5.05.2019 / BLUE BOY at FICIC. Cosquín, Argentina.
17.04.2019 / BLUE BOY at Festival de Uruguay - Montevideo, Uruguay.
11.04.2019 / PORNOMELANCOLIA at Pitching du Réel - Visions du Réel. Nyon, Switzerland.
8-14.04.2019 / BLUE BOY en el BAFICI - Buenos Aires, Argentina.
01.03.2019 / AMOR VAQUERO receives the support of IDFA BERTHA FUND +
16-19.03.2019 BLUE BOY at Cinéma du Réel- Centre Pompidou. Paris, France.
25.02.2019 / AÑOS LUZ at BOZAR Brussels, Belgium.
22.02.2019 / AÑOS LUZ at Cinéma La Baleine. Marseille, France.
12.02.2019 / Artist Talk: Intimate Dialogues - at Berlinale Talents.
11.02.2019 / BLUE BOY: World Premiere at Berlinale Shorts Competition.
01.02.2019 / Guest @ Berliner Künstlerprogramm des DAAD. Berlin.
18-22.01.2019 / SOLDADO & AÑOS LUZ at Black Movie. Genève, Switzerland.
6-11.12.2018 / AÑOS LUZ en Festival de Cine de La Habana, Cuba.
3.12.2018 / AÑOS LUZ at DFI Cinematek, Denmark.
29.12.2018 / AMOR VAQUERO receives the support of SUNDANCE DOCUMENTARY FUND +
28.11.2018 / LA REINA at Bratislava IFF, Slovakia.
16.11.2018 / AÑOS LUZ Película de Clausura Antofadocs, Chile.
7.11.2018 / *Premios Fénix / Nominado 'Mejor Fotografía Documental' - por TEATRO DE GUERRA*
22.11.2018 / SOLDADO en FestiFreak, La Plata, Argentina.
4-10.11.2018 / AÑOS LUZ Estreno en Córdoba, Argentina.
4-11.11.2018 / SOLDADO & AÑOS LUZ en Semana del Cine Argentino, Salta, Argentina.
1-30.09.2018 / Residencia IKUSMIRA BERRIAK - Festival de San Sebastián, Spain.
26.09-2018 / AÑOS LUZ at Festival de Biarritz, France.
16.09.2018 / AÑOS LUZ at Stadtkino Basel, Switzerland.
8.09.2018 / Opening - Laboratorio PROA21, Buenos Aires, Argentina.
22.08.2018 / SOLDADO at EBS International Documentary Festival, Korea.
13.08.2018 / SOLAR Nominada 'Mejor Documental' - Premios Cóndor al Cine Argentino 2017.
7.08.2018 / SOLDADO en ENERC, Buenos Aires.
5.08.2018 / AÑOS LUZ Estreno en Argentina, MALBA
1-31.08.2018 / SOLAR & SOLDADO en Centro Cultural San Martín, Buenos Aires.
12.07.2018 / AÑOS LUZ at ARSENAL Berlin, Germany.
9.07.2018 / SOLDADO en Cinema Gaur - Centro Cultural Montehermoso, Vitoria, España.
4.07.2018 AÑOS LUZ at Film Fest München, Germany.
4.07.2018 / AÑOS LUZ at Karlovy Vary Film Festival, Czech Republic.
22.06.2018 / SOLDADO en AR, Festival de Cinema Argentino en Lisboa, Portugal.
21-22.06.2018 / AÑOS LUZ at Edinburgh Film Festival, Scotland.
4.06.2018 / AÑOS LUZ en Cineteca de Madrid, Spain.
2.05.2018 / AÑOS LUZ at IndieLisboa, Portugal.
11-20.05.2018 / AÑOS LUZ at EDOC, Ecuador.
26.05.2018 / SOLDADO Estreno Comercial / Theatrical Release, Argentina.
23.04.2018 / AÑOS LUZ at Caixa Cultural Curitiba, Brazil.
14-15.04.2018 / AÑOS LUZ at Film Society of Lincoln Center, NY. USA.
25-31.04.2018 / AÑOS LUZ at Cinéma du Réel. Paris, France.
18.04.2018 / LA REINA en Centro Cultural Haroldo Conti. Buenos Aires, Argentina.
13-21.04.2018 / Filmmaker in Focus - Distrital Formación / Cineteca Nacional de México.
15.03.2018 / AÑOS LUZ en Festival Graba. Mendoza, Argentina.
4-25.043.2018 / SOLDADO en Centro Cultural Recoleta, Argentina.
4-10.03-2018 / AÑOS LUZ at MAMM - Museo de Arte Moderno de Medellín, Colombia.
1-3.03.2018 / AÑOS LUZ at FICUNAM, Mexico.
21.02.2018 / Mentor at Camera Studio / Berlinale Talents. Berlin, Germany
2.02.2018 / AÑOS LUZ en Círculo de Bellas Artes de Madrid, Spain.
3.02.2018 / AÑOS LUZ at Tabakalera - San Sebastián, Spain.
8.02.2018 / LA REINA at Alibi Sessions - London, UK.
1.12.2017 / SOLAR ESTRENO en Buenos Aires.
1-9.12.2017 / AÑOS LUZ at Festival Transcinema, Perú.
9-10.12.2017 / Guest Filmmaker at 'Dialogues for Latin American Cinemas' Princeton University, USA.
12.11.2017 / SOLDADO at AntofaDocs - Chile
9-13.11.2017 / SOLDADO at Festival de Cali - Colombia.
9-15.11.2017 / SOLDADO at FIDOCS - Chile
15-19.11.2017 / SOLDADO at IDFA - Amsterdam, Netherlands.
16.11.2017 / Filmmaker Talk 'Camera in Focus' - Soldado - IDFA - Amsterdam, Netherlands.
19.11.2017 / SOLDADO at Kassel Documentary Film Festival, Germany.
22.11.2017 / LA REINA at Lateinamerikanische Tage. Leipzig, Germany.
22-25.11.2017 / SOLDADO at Festival Rizoma, España.
23-24.11.2017 / SOLDADO at Festival de Mar del Plata, Argentina.
24-26.11.2017 / AÑOS LUZ at Festival de Mar del Plata, Argentina.
23-28.11.2017 / SOLAR Pre-Estreno en Córdoba, Argentina.
30.11.2017 / SOLAR Estreno en Buenos Aires / Theatrical Release, Argentina.
15.11.2017 / SOLAR & LA REINA at Tabakalera - San Sebastián, Spain.
2-9.10.2017 / AÑOS LUZ *World Premiere* at Venice Film Festival, Italy.
27-30.10.2017 / SOLDADO at Festival de San Sebastián, Spain.
28.10.2017 / LA REINA at Festival de Cine al Aire Libre de Encarnación, Paraguay.
29.10.2017 / SOLAR at Bienal de Arte Joven, Argentina.